
Your Donation Is Tax-Deductible

The Bay Area Funeral Consumers Association is a 501c3 non-profit, public benefit corporation, tax ID 94-3402027. Founded in 1952, we are the local affiliate of the national nonprofit Funeral Consumers Alliance and we work for the benefit of all funeral consumers. 

Your generous donations help us make a difference and they are secure through PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to pay this way and the PayPal payment page will reference the transaction as a donation. You may still use your credit card when paying by PayPal.

Information on donations made in honor of, or in memory of, via PayPal will be collected when the transaction is complete.

Gift Memberships

You may gift a Bay Area Consumers Funeral Association membership to a friend or loved one by donating $100 and indicating the donation is a gift for the named person. Recipients of your gift will need to complete their Member profile by clicking here.  

Stock and Security Donations

The Bay Area Funeral Consumers Association (BAFCA) is pleased to accept donations of stock, bonds, and other types of equity bought and sold through Fidelity Investments.

All the transactions are completed between your brokerage firm (e.g., Charles Schwab, Ameritrade, or others) and our brokerage firm, Fidelity Investments. We do not see or hear of your donation until Fidelity notifies us those shares have been transferred (donated) to our Fidelity account.

Transferring shares of, say, ABC, Inc. can be done easily by filling out a charitable donation form. The form is one page in length and has all the information your brokerage firm needs to complete the transfer. 

For security purposes, you may ask your brokerage firm to verify the data concerning our account, so that you can be assured that the shares are not being sent to a fictitious account or that a scam is being perpetrated on you.

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to speak to someone about a possible donation, please contact us; we will return your call as soon as possible. 

Our Nonprofit Status

The Bay Area Funeral Consumers Association is a 501c3 nonprofit, public benefit corporation, tax ID 94-3402027. We were founded in 1952.