Decisions to Make

Retail and Member Pricing

We provide advanced planning information to help you understand your options and rights so that you can make informed choices about end of life matters that are right for you.

First among those decisions to make are financial ones. Although it’s a state law for funeral homes to post their pricing, they don’t always comply. As a service, we research, update and publish these prices for the San Francisco Bay Area. 

Retail Mortuary and Cemetery Pricing

Bay Area Mortuary Pricing

We survey and collect data on the latest funeral prices in the Bay Area. You may access Retail prices for MORTUARIES in the following counties: 

Bay Area Cemetery Pricing

Retail prices for CEMETERIES are available in the following counties: 

Mortuary Pricing For Members Only

We have contracted with mortuaries throughout the San Francisco Bay Area to offer our members substantial discounts of up to 50% or more for their funeral services based on 5 different plans. We survey and update this price list regularly. 

You can compare prices and plan ahead by Becoming a Member